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How To Prepare For A Home Birth


Preparing for a home birth can be an exciting and empowering experience. Here are some steps to help you get ready:

1. Choose Your Care Team

  • Midwife- find a midwife who aligns with your birth philosophy, who makes you feel safe and empowered.

  • Doula- a good doula will help you cope emotionally and physically through labor. Ask your provider for referrals.

  • Photographer- birth photography is not for everyone, but some families desire to have the experience captured so they can relish those images later on in life. Your provider should have recommendations.

2. Create a Birth Plan

  • Outline your preferences for labor, delivery, and postpartum care. Making sure you and your midwife are on the same page. While it’s great to have a plan, be open to adjustments as needed. Birth can be unpredictable!

  • Have a plan in place in case a transfer to a hospital becomes necessary. Know which hospital is the closest to you.

3. Gather Supplies

  • I have my own personal home birth kit that has all the necessary medical supplies (such as sterile gloves, disposable pads, and more) that my clients can order from a website called-

  • For clients wanting to labor or birth in the water, renting an inflatable birth tub can be helpful. A birth tub is usually deeper and more spacious than regular tubs. The birth tub is often referred to as the midwife's epidural and can help you cope through labor. I have several tubs that I rent out to my clients.

  • A birth ball can be helpful during labor.

4. Set Up Your Space

  • Make sure you know ahead of time where you are going to put the birth tub, if you choose to rent a birth tub.

  • Make sure you have snacks and electrolytes on hand for labor and postpartum. Snacks like nuts, cheese, protein bars, fruit, and honey will help give you the energy you need for labor and birth. I love LMNT electrolyte packets, they are full of electrolytes without all the sugar.

  • Some clients will print out positive birth affirmations to look at in labor.

  • Create a music playlist. I recommend creating a relaxing playlist and a more energetic playlist that way you have options depending on what you need in the moment.

  • Candles and other dim lights can help create a more calming environment.

5. Educate Yourself

  • Take childbirth education classes focused on natural birth. It is important to prepare your body and your mind for birth. One of my favorite child birth classes is Train For Birth with Krisha Crosley- I also like Christian Hypnobirthing, which can help you focus on relaxation in labor and help decrease your fears-

  • Read books, watch videos, and listen to podcasts about home birth experiences and techniques. Knowledge is power! Books I like- Ina May's Guide to Child Birth and Lily Nichols Real Food For Pregnancy. Podcasts I like- Evidence Based Birth, Birthing Instincts, and Mamaste Fit.

6. Prepare for Postpartum Care

  • Stock up on postpartum supplies like pads, ice packs, and comfortable clothing.

  • Arrange for help in the days and weeks following the birth, whether it’s family or friends.

  • Make meals ahead of time and freeze them, that way you have nutritious easy to cook meals already prepared.

  • Make sure you have snacks and electrolytes next to wherever you are nursing. Nutrition and hydration are vital during breastfeeding.

7. Discuss Support Persons

  • Decide who will be present during the birth, including your partner, friends, or family members.

  • Ensure they understand their roles and how they can support you.

  • Be careful who you invite into your birth space. Energy is powerful. I recommend having a code word with your provider, at any point if you use the code word your provider will ask everyone besides you and your partner to leave the room.

8. Take Care of Yourself Physically and Mentally

  • Maintain regular prenatal care and discuss any concerns with your midwife.

  • See a Webster certified chiropractor regularly throughout your pregnancy.

  • Exercise regularly including walking, lifting, and stretching. You need stamina to help get you through your labor.

  • Focus on your nutrition, and make sure you are getting adequate amounts of protein. Your midwife will help guide you on what to eat.

Taking these steps can help ensure you feel prepared and confident for your home birth. Good luck!

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